As home brewers take their brewing to a new level with grain brewing, Micah from Core Brewing Concepts demonstrates the unique features of the Hot Liquor Tank. High quality and affordable grain brewing equipment is now available for the home brewer. Come in store to see the full catalogue. Our range of grain brewing equipment includes Hot Liquor Tanks, Connical Fermenters, Boiling Kettles and more.
With the salumi season almost over, we know that home brewers are starting to plan their home brewing to be ready for summer. Whether you are into grain brewing or tin brewing, the most disciplined of brewers will be brewing now and resisting the temptation to drink now before summer, allowing for optimum flavour, balance and stabilising.
We have matched the growing interest, skills and enthusiasm of our customers to a new range of products, supplies and equipment in grain brewing. Take your home brewing to the next level, and let your imagination and creativity go wild with our expanded range of grains, hops and White Lab yeasts.
Both our Reservoir and Clayton stores also offer on the spot, and complimentary grain milling for any grains purchased. You can also pre order 25Kg bags of grain by calling our Reservoir store on 03 9460 2777 or Clayton store on 03 9574 8222.
Melbourne Salami Festa

Entry Forms are now available for the 2013 Melbourne's Salami Festa on the 15th September, 2013. If you think you've made "the best homemade salami", then be sure to enter. This is one community event and celebration of the beloved "salumi" that is not to be missed! We'll let you know as soon as tickets go on sale.

Here's an inside look at the Headquarters of "BGS Group" (Bloody Good Salami), as they try to take out back to back crowning for "best homemade salami" for the 2013 Melbourne Salami Festa. Will they be able to replicate that winning combination this year? I hope they took notes from last year :)
It's not too late to join Melbourne's growing "Salami Army". We can teach you how at our in house Sausage and Salami Workshops. Call Pina on 9460 2777 to secure your place.
There are also a few places still available for the Salumi Making Workshop on the 20th July, 2013 that we will be facilitating at Ombra Salumi Bar. For more details please contact Ombra Salumi Bar directly on 9639 1927.

If you are really serious about learning the art of Salami Making, there are a couple of places left for the Salumi Charcuterie Weekend Course in Tyabb on the 27th/28th July, 2013.

Don't forget if you are in Sydney or travelling there in the next few weeks, the Pizza Festival has moved to Sydney showcasing 13 of its top Pizza Restaurants. Here's the Event's Timetable.

Entry Forms are now available for the 2013 Melbourne's Salami Festa on the 15th September, 2013. If you think you've made "the best homemade salami", then be sure to enter. This is one community event and celebration of the beloved "salumi" that is not to be missed! We'll let you know as soon as tickets go on sale.

Here's an inside look at the Headquarters of "BGS Group" (Bloody Good Salami), as they try to take out back to back crowning for "best homemade salami" for the 2013 Melbourne Salami Festa. Will they be able to replicate that winning combination this year? I hope they took notes from last year :)
DIY Workshops (Sausage and Salami)

It's not too late to join Melbourne's growing "Salami Army". We can teach you how at our in house Sausage and Salami Workshops. Call Pina on 9460 2777 to secure your place.
There are also a few places still available for the Salumi Making Workshop on the 20th July, 2013 that we will be facilitating at Ombra Salumi Bar. For more details please contact Ombra Salumi Bar directly on 9639 1927.

If you are really serious about learning the art of Salami Making, there are a couple of places left for the Salumi Charcuterie Weekend Course in Tyabb on the 27th/28th July, 2013.
Don't forget if you are in Sydney or travelling there in the next few weeks, the Pizza Festival has moved to Sydney showcasing 13 of its top Pizza Restaurants. Here's the Event's Timetable.