~ Darebin Homemade Food & Wine Show ~
The Darebin Homemade Food & Wine Festival has kicked off for 2017. Spread up & down the High street hub of Darebin, there are DIY demo's and courses to show you how to make nearly anything you want & things you didn't know you needed.
Home Make It is a proud sponsor of this wonderful community event & are also hosting three exciting & informative workshops.
Salami Masterclass
On Sunday the 4th at noon, we team up with James from The Meat Room for a no holds barred Salami Masterclass. We will break down the meat, mince, fill & finally chat about the all important curing process. On top of all this you also get a light meal & a Home Make It Salami & Sausage equipment kit valued at RRP $125.
This is a deal too good to be true. This is a ticketed event, so get in quick & grab your tickets here.
Introduction to Homemade Wine Making
On Saturday 3rd of June at 11.30 am at the Northcote Town Hall we will be running through the basics of making Vino at home. This is a free event.
Townhall Brew
On Saturday 3rd June at 1pm we will be filling the Northcote Town hall with the lovely aromas of malt & hops, as we do a live homebrew. This is a free demo, so please feel free to wander over, watch the process & ask as many questions as you like. Any excuse to talk beer !
~ Salami Silly Season ~
We have a few " Silly Seasons " here at Home Make It. Wine, Passata & the best of all....Salami Season! There is a special buzz that goes through the DIY foodie community when the weather starts to cool down that is hard to describe. Families get together and plan their attack, source meat, spices, argue about recipe's & clear whole weekends on their calendars. Beat the rush & get into store as soon as you can to secure your curing goods.
Here are some must haves...
Our new Salami & Sausage recipe kits make Salami's that little bit easier. Pre-mixed for 5kg of meat, you can make an array of flavours this year.
Round end, Tied end, Fresh, Stick or Wrap. These are all forms of casings to hold your curing meat & come in a whole range of different shapes & sizes.
Along with the meat, possibly the most important ingredient in curing is good old salt. We carry it in 25kg bags, 5kg Coarse salt & 1kg sizes.
~ Sporting Shooters Convention ~
Last weekend a small Home Make It team converged on the Melbourne Showgrounds for the Shot Expo hosted by the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia. These guys & gals love their shooting sport & in turn putting their spoils on the table to eat. We hosted a small stall & showed the attendees all the ways Home Make It can help them process & store their produce at home. The highlight of the show was meeting new customers obviously, but the Home Make It ladies loved The Snake Hunter as you can see below.
Carla looking nervously happy.
Pina's thinking of a snake Salami recipe.
Looks like Marta's keeping this one, sorry Snake Hunter !
~ Olives Aplenty ~
This year's Olive harvest has been one for the ages, with many customers coming in with an unusual problem..too many Olives ! Now this is one of those " good problems ", but one that needs to be solved none the less. If you have this issue, come in to see us & we have some solutions for you. From curing through to storage, we have you covered. Here are a few essentials to help you out with your mountain of Olives.
These wide neck Demijohns have been a godsend this month as they are filled to the brim with Olive's in thousands of homes.
Now the Olives are ready to package, put them in a jar from our preserving range. I love these Weck jars & can highly recommend them.
~ Cade's Brew News ~
Good Beer Week is done & dusted, and all over Melbourne brewers, drinkers & livers are all letting out a huge relieved sigh. They somehow scraped through another one.
On Saturday 20th of May I was up early, milled some grain & loaded the car with all we needed to make some beer. Locked & loaded, I headed off to one of the craft beer meccas (not to mention those amazing Philly Steaks) of Melbourne, The Catfish. It was the annual Catfish Live Brew with the Merri Mashers Brew Club. Making it extra special this year was the fact that we two pro brewers from Portland, Oregon in attendance. Ben Edmunds from Breakside brewery & Sam Peccoraro from The Commons brewery, answered many questions from punters & home brewers alike & even mashed in on the day. We brought out the Camurri Brauer for it's first public outing & it made brewing & clean up a breeze. We ended up with a nice roasty Oatmeal stout & look forward to trying it when it's fermented and conditioned.
Speaking of Mashers, two Gypsy brewing labels whose members originally met as they passed around their home brew at Merri Masher meeting had their beers on the coveted containers at GABS last weekend. This was a chance for the Old Wives Ales & CoConspiritors to take on the big boys with some really creative beers.
We are seeing a fresh batch of White Labs in early next week, as well as a small selections from those purveyors of funk, Yeast Bay. Watch our social media channels for up to date new on when these hit our fridges, as some of these fly out faster than we can out them in !
We have just received a whole lot of hops, and have been super busy packing them down into home brew sizes. We are also happy to include the new 1kg bulk size into a few of our most popular varieties. We now sell Citra, Mosaic, Cascade, Galaxy & Saaz in these bigger portions & they will offer you alot more value on brew day.
~ Workshops ~
Check out our workshops for 2017 - we have some new ones now available!!!!. Click on the links for all the workshop dates and for more details. Our workshops are hands on, fun and interactive. To participate in one of our great workshops, just book your spot ONLINE or call our Clayton or Reservoir stores for assistance.
~ Specials ~
Click on our sale banner below for this week's Specials .
~ Vouchers ~
Gift Vouchers and Course Vouchers make an ideal gift for. Available In-store or ONLINE.